Cad atá le déanamh i gcás tine
- Má fhaigheann tú boladh deataigh nó má chloiseann tú an t-aláram ar siúl, ba cheart duit fáil amach ar an bpointe boise céard is cúis leis an deatach nó céard a chuir an t-aláram ar siúl
- Má tá tine lasta, ba cheart duit iarracht a dhéanamh an tine a mhúchadh, má tá sé sábháilte a leithéid a dhéanamh, trí úsáid a bhaint as an múchtóir atá i d’árasán
- Má cheapann tú nach bhfuil sé sábháilte an tine a mhúchadh, dún an doras ar an seomra ina bhfuil an tine
- Tabhair rabhadh do dhaoine, trí na daoine eile san aonad a chur ar an eolas, trí ghlao a chur ar an oifig slándála (Diailigh ‘2207’ ón bhfón i do sheomra leapa nó ‘087-2753165’ ó d’fhón póca) nó ar an mbriogáid dóiteáin más gá (‘999’ nó ‘112’) agus tríd an nglaophointe láimhe a bhrú mura bhfuil an t-aláram ar siúl cheana féin
- Dún gach doras san árasán, fág an foirgneamh tríd an doras éalaithe is gaire duit
- Téigh díreach go dtí an pointe tionóil is gaire duit
What to Do in the Event of a Fire
- If you smell smoke or hear an alarm sounding, you should immediately investigate the cause of the smoke or alarm activation
- If a fire incident has occurred, you should try and fight the fire, if safe to do so, using the extinguisher provided in your apartment
- If you feel it is not safe to fight the fire, close the door to the room with the fire incident
- Raise the alarm, by informing other residents in the unit, calling security (Dial ‘2207’ from your bedroom phone or ‘087-2753165’ from your mobile phone) or the fire brigade if necessary ( ‘999’ or ‘112’) and pressing the manual call point if the sounder is not already sounding
- Close all doors in the apartment, evacuate the building via the nearest exit
- Proceed directly to the nearest assembly point
Cosa Fare nell’eventualita’ di un Incendio
- Se percepite odore di fumo o sentite il suono dell’ allarme antincendio, dovreste immediatamente cercare di capire la causa del fumo o dell’ allarme
- In caso di fiamme, dovreste cercare di sopprimerle, solamente se e’ un’ operazione sicura, usando l’ estintore che troverete nel Vostro appartamento
- Se credete il fuoco sia troppo pericoloso per voi, chiudete la porta della camera nella quale le fiamme si sono sviluppate
- Attivate l’ allarme antincendio, informando gli altri residenti nella vostra unita’, chimando la sicurezza (digitando 2207 dal telefono dell Vostro appartamento o chiamando ‘087-2753165’ dal Vostro cellular), o chiamando I Vigili del Fuoco se necessario ( ‘999’ o ‘112’) e premere l allarme manualmente se non sta’ gia’ suonando
- Chiudete tutte le porte dell’ appartamento, abbandonate la palazzina usando l’ uscita piu’ vicina
- Dirigetevi al piu’ vicino punto di ritrovo